Tuesday, October 1, 2019

you are that loathsome aren't you... consider all you have done, while you still have time

you disbelieve it even when you can see it, you retarded fucking altogether losers who talk shit based on your own ego; which is worth shit

tell me something humans why would you care if I fought leviathan or not, when so much I have done that you can see you've dismissed and accused me of being nothing

I think perhaps Einstein could never have foreseen the truth of this... you speak your mind over the internet, anonymously; and everything you have to say is hateful; every inclination of your heart is evil all the time

you fucking goddamned humans with your lies and your conceit and the traps you set for no reason simply to harm others and your fucking worthless money and your SHIT!!! WELL ALL THAT FUCKING SHIT DOES NOT MATTER YOU FUCKING INSECTS, AND YOU WILL LEARN THE HARD WAY!

when I was a child I had dreams and goals like the rest of you, and I have played by the rules and done my best then one day you took my life from me... and you human smut are so loathsome that you don't even think you did anything wrong in fact after victimizing me you have spit upon me well I have no more dreams and goals, humans... and I am ready to die so let's get this over with then

I did not hate you six years ago, and I was so polite and friendly online well you took advantage of that, also here in my life you took advantage of me dragged me through hell on earth and ruined my life... well today I am short with you; and your assumption is that I care about you or my life here well not anymore; I just want you to shut up, forever